Pool Opening 2023 newsletter

Pool opens May 20

The 2023 Timbercrest pool season begins on May 20, 2023. Join us for coffee and donuts anytime 9-11am. We'll give you a tour and introduction to the pool as well as hand out keys to new members. Keys and sign-in are the same as last year. If you need a key and can't join us on the morning of May 20, contact the pool board to set up a time.

We are incredibly grateful for all our volunteers for this year's opening work. We had an amazing number of people help this year. You have made it possible to open a week early. We couldn't not function as a neighborhood pool without you. If you volunteered last year or this spring, you should soon get an email invite to a Friday night pre-opening party to celebrate your volunteering.

A special thanks to the pool board and maintenance committee: Andrew Campbell, Chris Pracheil, Daine Wright, Becky Pracheil, Laura Campbell, Greg Locke, and Mariza Gonzalez. TRC couldn't continue to operate without the countless hours and expertise you have poured into the pool. You are an invaluable asset to the neighborhood.


Registration for the Timbercrest Pool 2023 season. Registration forms are available:

  1. online at: https://timbercrestrecreationclub.square.site/registration
  2. as a PDF download: https://timbercrestneighborhood.org/sites/default/files/TRC%20Membership...
  3. as a hard copy on-demand 

A registration form and payment are needed for all memberships.

There are only two non-resident memberships still available (as of May 14).


We will announce several events after the rush of opening slows down. An events calendar will be posted on the bulletin board and the online calendar. Let us know if you have an idea for an event or want to help with planning and execution.

We'll be inviting food trucks, starting with Ry's Pies on June 17. Be on the lookout for snow cones on the weekends and at events!

Contact the pool board to schedule a party. Parties must be after 10:30am. We are encouraging parties to be later in the afternoon or on weekdays to avoid peak hours.

Park Cleanup

The next park cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, June 10th from 9-11am.


By donating to the Timbercrest Pool, you enrich the community, increase our property value, help the volunteers, and beautify the neighborhood.   This year we have been able to afford to replace three of the tables and re-roof the pool house. We are saving up for several large projects like replacing the concrete deck and resurfacing the pool interior. To donate you can add on to your membership fee or visit: https://timbercrestneighborhood.org/donating

Food City gift cards

Guest passes can be earned by purchasing $100 worth of Food City gift cards from Greg Locke (865-684-3699). Gift cards are available in $25, $50, or $100 denominations. The pool earns $5 from each $100 worth of gift cards, which adds up quickly.


The pool board would like to know your opinion about the pool. One way to tell us what you think is to fill out the 2023 Timbercrest Pool Survey: https://forms.gle/2q7LACcMErd8QtVs5

Everyone is welcome to fill out the survey. We learn a lot, even from those who choose not to join the pool. Contact us for a paper survey.